New Garage Door Models

Upgrade Your Home with DoorLink Doors
CGX Overhead Door provides customers with the latest makes and models of garage doors from doorLink Manufacturing. We are proud to offer a range of models and styles.
Premium Traditional Style Garage Doors
doorLink 410
A non-insulated residential garage door. Available with windows or without
doorLink 411
A vinyl-backed insulated door. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 3610
A steel sandwich door with injected foam for extra strength and insulation. Available with windows or without.
Premium French Panel Garage Doors
doorLink 490
A non-insulated residential garage door. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 491
A vinyl backed insulated door. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 3690
A steel sandwich door with injected foam for extra strength and insulation. Available with windows or without.
Premium Carriage House Garage Doors
doorLink 440
A non-insulated residential garage door, includes outside decretive hardware. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 441
A vinyl backed insulated door, includes outside decorative hardware. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 3640
A steel sandwich door with injected foam for extra strength and insulation, includes outside decretive hardware. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 430
A non-insulated residential garage door, includes outside decorative hardware. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 431
A vinyl back insulated door, includes outside decorative hardware. Available with windows or without.
doorLink 3630
A steel sandwich door with injected foam for extra strength and insulation, includes outside decorative hardware. Available with windows or without.